Friday, April 18, 2008

2008 so far

2008 has so far been an exciting year.I rented a house in kingsport.Steve and I got married on Feb.15 and went to Gatlinburg for our honeymoon.Steve is so good to me and I love him soooooo much.I went on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic with Carol, Candace, Sandy and Susie March 15-22.Steve had emergency gallbladder surgery while I was gone.Cynthia's baby Lacey was born April 8 at 10:45 weighing 5lbs 15oz and 19inches long.Lily is growing and talking more and is trying to help with her little sister.Joey is looking for a job and getting ready to go to Northeast state for college. God has been so good to me and my family and friends!


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